Jump to Section [Join Session] [Admit Client to Session] [Manage Session]
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On iOS
Join Session
- Click Schedule in the side navigation menu.
- Click the camera icon in the appointment window.
- Select desired Camera and Microphone from the dropdowns.
- Enable Camera and Microphone for Browser if this is your first Session.
- Enable Pop-ups for Browser if this is your first Session.
- Click I'm Ready button.
NOTE: You can also join a session from your 15-Minute Reminder email. Sessions can be started and joined early up to 24 hours before the actual scheduled time.
Admit Client to Session
Once you have started or joined a Session you can admit Clients from the Waiting Room.
- When the Client is in the Waiting Room, you'll hear an audible notification.
- Click the Admit button to admit your Client into the Session.
NOTE: The client's preferred name will display in the Telehealth session. Clients can only see their own name and the provider's name. They cannot see the names of other clients in the session.
Manage your Session
Once in a session, there are a few actions you can perform:
via Action Tray
At the bottom of your screen, you can Share your Screen, View all Attendees in the Session, Open the Chat and Leave or End the Session.
Share Screen - You have the ability to share your screen with your Clients.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT show anything that would violate HIPAA. We recommend you close out all other screens or apps before sharing your screen to ensure that you aren't sharing HIPAA information.
- View Attendees - Opens a side panel where you can see all Session Participants both those who are admitted and those who are still in the Waiting Room.
Open Chat - Opens the Chat side panel. You can send a message to anyone who is in the Waiting Room.
NOTE for Group Sessions: The Waiting Room chat feature is visible to all participants. Anything entered in the waiting room chat will be visible to other Clients as well as other Providers on the session.
- Leave Session - When the session is complete, click Leave Session to exit the Session.
End Session - Click End Session to end the Session for all Participants.
via 3 Dot Menu
You can access the 3 Dot Menu for yourself OR your Client. From here you can Enlarge or Shrink a video, Mute, Stop Video or Hide Self View.
- Enlarge or Shrink Video - This allows you to make one person's video primary and the other secondary. (You can also double click on the screen you want to make primary)
- Mute/Unmute - You can mute yourself or any Participant.
- Stop Video - Turns off the video for any Participant.
- Hide Self View - Turns off your video for only you.
- Set Audio & Video
NOTE: The menu is also available on the attendees list in the side panel.