New Features & Improvements
- The Billing Notes field from the Client->Bill to & Insurance page is now available to view and edit on the Client->Ledger page. All updates to the Billing Notes field from either the Bill to & Insurance page or Ledger page will be reflected in both locations.
Catalyst Integration
- Enhancements have been made to the Catalyst + Web ABA integration if you are integrated with Catalyst. There is a new setting under Organization > Catalyst Integration called “Update Appointment Status to ‘Kept’ when Matched with a Catalyst Soap Note.” This will automatically set the appointment status to ‘Kept’ when matched with a Catalyst SOAP note when enabled. See Catalyst Integration: Update Appointment Status to 'Kept' Automatically (WebABA Pro & Group) for more information.
- Enhancements have been made to the Catalyst + Web ABA integration if you are integrated with Catalyst. When an appointment is canceled in WebABA, this status is now displayed within the Catalyst app. Also, you are now able to update the status of an appointment to “Canceled” or “No Show” directly from the Catalyst app to send this status update back to WebABA. See Catalyst Integration: Show & Receive Appointment Status Updates (WebABA Pro & Group) for more information.
NOTE: To experience these features please download version 20240111.2 or the latest version of the Catalyst app from the Apple App or Google Play Stores.
- Users will now have the ability under Organization > Settings to select a new checkbox called “Use 'Kept' and 'Upcoming' appointments to calculate exhaustion for authorizations." This will give the ability for users to choose whether or not they want “Upcoming” appointments calculated towards their exhausted status for their authorizations. See Set Up Your Organization's WebABA Profile (WebABA Pro & Group) for more information.
- A new checkbox has been added to the payroll report called “Group by Employee Totals.” If checked, the CSV download will group the payroll report by individual totals per employee for total hours worked, payout due, mileage, and mileage reimbursement.
- An additional column has been added to the Daily Billing report to support underpayment reporting. This column will be called “Total Contractual” and will show the sum of CO-45 adjustments posted to this invoice line item.
- An additional entry has been added to the activity log to show when a write-off has been applied or has been edited within an invoice. The two new activity log actions are called, “Write-off applied to invoice” and “Write-off applied to invoice updated."
Profile & Settings
- Two new reminders have been added to My Profile & Settings > Preferences called, “Alert me when authorizations for assigned clients are nearing exhaustion or expiration" and "Email me when authorizations for assigned clients are nearing exhaustion or expiration." These can be checked if you wish to control alerts and emails related to your client’s authorizations See When are Authorization Reminders Sent? (WebABA Pro & Group) for more information.
- The “Save” button on the appointment modal will display as “Save with conflicts” if the details of the appointment conflict with the staff member’s availability, to let you know the appointment can be scheduled outside of the staff member’s availability.
My Tasks
- The process of selecting clients for tasks has been updated to improve system performance.
Cases & Notes
- Hover text has been added to the appointment field when it is not editable while viewing a progress note that is locked so that all appointment information can be seen.
- The list of staff members now uses paging to improve system performance. Users can choose to see 25, 50, 100, or 250 staff members per page.
- When adding or editing an authorization, now only service types that are not archived will be shown to select from in the services drop-down menu to prevent additional scrolling when looking for the correct service type.
- Added the functionality where if you have the “Location Specific Group Settings” checked, then when these claims are submitted, the specific location group name will also be shown in box 32 of the CMS 1500 form.
- For the Authorization Report, a new checkbox has been added called “Archived Clients” that can be checked or unchecked before running the report so that you have the option to show or hide archived clients from this report.
- An extra action has been added to the activity log called “Statement Emailed” which will make it easier to search for the already available logs of emailing out statements.
Profile & Settings
- For new staff added in WebABA, the time scale of their calendar under My Profile & Settings > Preferences will be set to 15 minutes by default to reflect how most units are billed. This preference can still be updated by staff if needed.
- Standard availability times will now be shown in the staff’s preferred time zone in their preferences rather than the organization’s time zone. This more closely matches the Advanced Availability functionality.
Defect Fixes
- Corrected an issue where the Edit Availability modal stayed open rather than closing and updating the availability block or series with the changes.
- The location selected when creating the availability block will now be displayed when editing it. Previously, the location was sometimes removed when the block was edited.
- The double-booking error message will now appear at the bottom of the appointment modal, so all error and warning messages appear in the same place.
- Corrected an issue that was allowing for billable service types to be added into non-billable/event appointments when being edited. Now only non-billable service types can be added if editing a non-billable/event appointment.
- Corrected an issue where sometimes how clients were sorted on the All Clients or My Clients list would not be sorted the same when downloading the PDF file. This is corrected to now show the appropriate sorting that has been applied.
Cases & Notes
- Corrected an issue where sometimes the header of a progress note was being cut off when viewing the PDF.
- Corrected an issue where no tooltip was displayed when hovered over the Staff Permissions page at times. This is now fixed so that tooltips will show accurately.
- Corrected an issue where if an insurer was deleted for a Client’s primary authorization, it was deleting the secondary authorization associated with the client as well. This has been fixed so that only the primary authorization associated with the deleted insurer will get deleted.
- Resolved the add/edit authorization modal from crashing at times when attempting to edit an authorization. Now you should be able to edit the authorization without experiencing these crashes.
- Corrected an issue where service types were being removed after clicking on the “clear all” button within the authorizations modal even if the “save” button was not clicked. Now these will only be removed if you confirm that you want to clear all service types by clicking the “save” button.
- Corrected an issue where in some cases you were not able to add the same service types to past authorizations if the same service types were in a current authorization. Now you can select this same service type for authorizations created in the past.
Dynamic Forms
- Corrected an issue where deleted Intake Forms were still showing when clicking “Print all”.
- Made a correction on the supervision report where some column names on the report did not match the column names on the PDF download. This has been corrected to show the same names in both places.
- Corrected an issue where in some instances, the Payroll report would initially show appointments in the 'Kept' status by default. However, when you navigated away from the page and then returned, the report would show appointments in the ‘All’ status. This has been corrected so the ‘Kept’ status in the grid is maintained when you navigate back to the report.
- Corrected an issue when the reason field on an appointment was updated, it was not being shown correctly in the activity log. This has been updated where the activity log will state that the reason field has been updated correctly now.
Client Portal
- Corrected an issue where the number of unread secure messages was reflecting an inaccurate or negative number.
- Fixed an issue with broken links when trying to access the Knowledge Base from the client portal. Users can now successfully navigate to the Knowledge Base.
Payment Processing
- Corrected an issue where payments made on the Client Portal were shown as “Unknown” in the activity log rather than displaying the name of the client who made the payment.