Apex Enrollment Approval can be as quick as 10 days OR take longer than 45 days.
General Timeline
The average timeline for enrollment approval is 20 business days.
The Apex Enrollment team will reach out to you within 2 business days of your Enrollment and will work with you to complete your Enrollments with each Payer. They will also help navigate any enrollments that were rejected.
Important: Because the enrollment time varies from Payer to Payer, we suggest that you do NOT hold on to Claims until you are approved.
Check Apex EDI Enrollment Status
Status updates will be emailed directly to you on a weekly basis from the Apex Enrollment team.
Check Apex ERA Enrollment Status
Reach out to the Payer if you feel it's been too long on your ERA Enrollment. It can take up to 60 days for approval. WebABA will not be able to provide you a status on your ERA Enrollment.