Once Payments are marked as processed on the ERA Received tab they move to the Paid/Processed tab. The Paid/Processed tab will show all ERA Payments that were processed as well as all Claims that have been fully paid.
NOTE: When negative payment(s) are received in an ERA file, the negative payment is automatically applied to any associated paid/closed invoices.
Jump to Section [View Processed ERAs] [Reverse Processed ERAs]
View Processed ERAs
- Click Billing, Claims.
- Click Paid/Processed tab.
- Click the Customize Grid option and mark the box for ERA File Name.
- You then can search for the appropriate ERA File Name.
- Next to any Payment you can click the Actions button to take your desired action.
Reverse ERA Processing
There are three steps to Reverse a Processed ERA. You will Un-apply the Payment from the Invoice, delete the Payment from the Client Ledger and then undo ERA & Claim Processing.
NOTE: When you need to reverse an ERA Processed Payment the Claim hides. To get the Claim to show you must remove all associated Payments from the Invoice AND delete the Payments.
Un-apply Payment
- From the Paid & Processed tab click on the Invoice number for the desired Processed ERA.
- Scroll to the Payments section and click Do not apply to this invoice for every Payment listed.
- Click Save. You will be returned to the Clients Ledger.
- The Removed Payments still need to be deleted. that you removed from the Invoice still need to be deleted.
Delete Payment
- Locate Client and open Client Profile.
- Click Ledger in side menu.
- Scroll to Unapplied Payments/Credits and Refunds section of the Client Ledger.
- Click Delete button for the removed Payments.
Undo ERA & Claim Processing
- Return to Billing > Claims > Paid/Processed tab.
- Find the item you wish to reverse.
- Click Actions and select Undo ERA & Claim Processing.