The Activity Log will show what actions Staff Members have taken in your Organization's account over the last 120 days. To access the Activity Log Report follow the steps below:
Jump to Section [Set Report Parameters] [Read Report] [Download Report]
Set Report Parameters (Filter)
- Click Organization tab in primary navigation bar.
- Click Activities in side menu.
- Set Filters:
- Set Date Range - Defaults to today.
- Select specific Staff if desired.
- Scroll and select specific Action if desired.
- Click Search.
Note: Change the number of Clients shown per page (10, 25, 50 or 100) by clicking desired unit at top of report.
Read the Report
- You can Search the Report for a specific name or word. i.e. Client Name, Service Type, etc.
- From left to right, you can see:
- The Date/Time of action.
Message - A description of the action.
Download Report
Once you have run the Report, you can copy or download the CSV, Excel, and PDF version directly to your computer.
- Click the CSV and PDF button on the upper right tab.