If Room Booking is available, Room options will display in the Room drop-down. Rooms are available by Location and will display on the Schedule. If you don't see the room you are looking for, ensure that you have selected the correct Location.
IMPORTANT: Administrators must add Rooms in WebABA before you can book a Room.
Add Appointment
- Click Schedule from the navigation bar, then click the New Appointment icon.
- The New Event window will display.
Enter Appointment Details
- Enter Client Name.
- Select Service Type.
- Select Location and then appropriate Room.
- Available Room - Will be bolded and be available to select.
- Booked Room - Grey out, you will not be able to select it.
Room Conflicts
- If you drag an Appointment on the Calendar with the same Location/Room assignment into the same time slot where another Appointment already has that Room booked, an error will prompt and reject the change.
- OR, if you edit an Appointment from within the Appointment screen to a time where another Appointment with the same Location/Room assignment already exists, an error will prompt and reject the change.
Repeating Appointments
If you create or edit a repeating Appointment with a Room, WebABA will check across the entire Calendar if any occurrence has a Room conflict. It could be a single conflict or multiple conflicts. Making a Room assignment change to a repeating Appointment will only update future Appointments and all past appointments will not be modified.