Your electronic Signature is applied to Notes you electronically sign. A signature can be created the first time you sign a note or by accessing it through the My Profile page.
NOTE: If you upload an image and then change your signature by either drawing or typing, then the uploaded image will be removed.
- Click your Name in top right corner and select My Profile.
- Click Change my electronic signature link on the bottom below DEA Number.
- The first tab allows you to view any previously Saved Signature.
- You have three options for creating or changing your signature:
- Type in Signature - Type in your name and a default script font is used for your signature.
- Draw Signature - Use your mouse on your computer or finger on a touch screen to write your signature. Use the Clear button to re-sign.
NOTE:: At this time WebABA is not compatible with electronic signature pads.
- Upload Signature - Create an image file of your signature and click Choose File to upload it.
NOTE: The image file must be jpeg, jpg, or png and no more than 5 MB. For the best quality, use an image that is at least 200 x 50 px.
- Type in Signature - Type in your name and a default script font is used for your signature.
- Click Save.