A Billing Statement captures all changes to the Client's ledger during the Date Range, and shows an ending balance for set period, the Statement Balance, based on the end date selected.
NOTE: Previous Balance refers to the Client's starting balance before these selected dates.
If a Client or Insurance balance is a negative number, then there is a credit on the Client's account for the selected date range. If a Client or Insurance balance is a positive number, then there is a balance due that the Client or Insurance owes.
Jump to Section [Create Statement] [Print Statement] [Email Statement]
Create Statement
- Locate Client and open Client Profile.
- Click Ledger in side menu and click appropriate tab to locate Invoice.
- Click the blue Statement button.
- Set desired Date Range and set appropriate Exclusions.
- Click Generate Statement button.
- Click Customize Grid link to customize displayed information.
- Select or deselect information to display. As you select, the Statement updates immediately with new column.
IMPORTANT: For Superbill Level Details be sure to include Invoice Number, Rendering Provider, Billing Provider and Diagnoses.
Print Statement
WebABA printed Statements are designed to fit #10 Window Envelopes (4 1/8 x 9 1/2).
- When your Statement is ready, click Print.
- Add a Footnote if desired (this will print).
- And select what information you want to display on printed Statement.
- Click Print Statement.
Email Statement
- When your Statement is ready, click Email to Client.
- Add a Footnote if desired (this will print).
- Select what information you want to display on Statement and if you want a copy of the statement emailed to yourself.
- Click Email Statement.