WebABA allows you to document Insurance recoupments/take-backs on Client Invoices and Ledgers automatically when users process ERA payments.
Things to Note:
- Negative payments can only be added to the Ledger from an ERA.
- Negative payments can only be applied to open Invoices.
- If no Invoice is found, it will be added to the Ledger as an unapplied payment.
- You cannot edit the dollar amount for negative/zero dollar adjustments or payments. All of the details are editable and negative/zero payments can be applied and unapplied to Invoices just like all other payments.
Process and Apply Negative Payment Amounts
- Process the negative and zero payments like any other payment in your ERA.
- Once the payment has been processed it will attach to the correct Invoice.
- OR, if no Invoice is found it will be added to the Unapplied Payments section of the Ledger.
- You then can apply that payment to an open Invoice with an insurance balance due just like applying a regular payment.