When you receive a single check that may cover remittances for multiple clients and multiple sessions you may want to use the same payment number across all clients and payments. WebABA will inform a user if the payment number has already been used. Your WebABA permissions will determine what level of information you see in the alert message.
An WebABA user with Administrator level permissions will see all uses of the duplicate payment number. The message will indicate the payment date, client's full name, and invoice number of the applied payment. If the payment has not been applied it will indicate (unapplied payment).
You can click on the date to be taken to the payment; click on client name navigates to client's ledger; click on invoice number navigates to specific invoice.
An WebABA user who has client access to some but not all of the clients where the duplicate payment number was applied will receive a limited message. Their message will show their assigned clients and payment information, but will include an indicator for the clients they are not assigned to. It will say "and x more." X being the number of times it was used. They will not be able to view any additional information beyond that X.
You can click on the date to be taken to the payment; click on client name navigates to client's ledger; click on invoice number navigates to specific invoice.
An WebABA user who has no access to the clients where the same payment number was used on will receive an indicator the payment number has been used with no additional client or payment information.
Same message with permissions will apply via the Apply Payment modal screen. Clicking on the links in this tab will open up the information in a new tab leaving the Apply Payment modal open.