You can filter information when viewing Claims as well as customize the display grid to include desired information. See how you can customize your view below.
Manually Update Claim Status
You can manually update and change the Status of Claims. You'll see this on every tab except for the Processed/Paid tab. The only option on the Processed/Paid tab is to remove the Claim which will push the Claim back to Awaiting Submission.
Adjust Date Range
To prevent performance issues we've limited the Date Range of the tabs.
- Submitted & Paid can be pulled in 3 month increments.
- Rejected/Denied, Resubmitted, and Accepted can be pulled in 6 month increments.
Customize Grid
You can include addition Columns of information in the tab by Customizing the Grid. Click Customize Grid and select or deselect desired boxes to include information you want to pull into your grid. Options in Customize Grid will differ depending on which tab you are on.
Search Filters
Some column headers contain a Search Filter. You can enter specific information into the filter and WebABA will filter based on your search. You could enter a specific Client, Payer, Service Date, CPT Code, etc. As you filter, it will update the totals in the top right corner.
- Export Information
You are able to export the information displayed from every tab as a pdf or .CSV. -
Claim Status Report
If you want to use the Claim Status Report you can access it on the Submitted, Rejected/Denied, and Resubmitted tab. Click the download link on any of these tabs.