Jump to Section [Edit Invoice] [Delete Invoice]
NOTE: New invoice creation is only available with an WebABA subscription.
Edit Invoice
After an Invoice has been created, you can make changes to it before you send it to the Payer. You can change things like the Amount field for Insurance, Client, or the number of units. You can also add invoice items as well.
Related Article: Make Changes to a Fully Paid Invoice
- Locate Client and open Client Profile.
- Click Ledger in side menu.
- Click appropriate tab to locate Invoice.
- Click Select an Action drop down and select View Details for appropriate Invoice .
- Edit Invoice as needed. Greyed out items cannot be changed.
- Click Save button when finished.
Delete Invoice
You can delete an open (unpaid) or a fully paid Invoice. Deleting a fully paid invoice does not delete the payment itself. If you delete an Invoice that already has a payment applied to it, the Invoice will be deleted and that payment will be moved to the Unapplied Payment section of the Client's Ledger. You can reapply that payment to a different Invoice.
- Click appropriate Ledger tab to locate Invoice.
- Click Select an Action for desired Invoice and select Delete.
- Click Delete Invoice button to confirm deletion.
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