Claim Rejection:
- Status Details - Category Code: (A8) Acknowledgement / Rejected for relational field in error., Status: Submitter not approved for electronic claim submissions on behalf of this entity., Entity: Submitter (41). Status Details - Category Code: (A8) Acknowledgement / Rejected for relational field in error., Status: Entity's National Provider Identifier (NPI), Entity: BillingProvider (85)
Fix Rejection
If you are approved, Submit a Support Request with your Tax ID and the Billing Provider NPI.
If you are not approved, you will need to complete the EDI Enrollment before your claims can be forwarded to the Payer.
This means that this Insurance required EDI Enrollment before you can electronically submit Claims.
- Complete the Enrollment Survey for this Payer.
- If you have already submitted an Enrollment Survey for this Payer, check the submission status.
- After you have made the corrections, Resubmit the Claim.