Client Details entered here are pulled into many functions within WebABA such as scheduling, notes, appointment reminders, and billing. It's important to enter correct information here to avoid receiving errors in the system.
First, Add a New Client or activate a Prospective Clients and then add or edit client details.
Jump to: [Access Client Details] [Add or Edit Client Details]
Access Client Details
- Click Clients in the navigation bar, then select All Clients from the drop-down.
- Scroll to or search for the Client.
- Click Client Name to open Client Details.
- Edit or enter Client information.
- Click Save button.
Add or Edit Client Details
- Fields with are included on the CMS 1500 when submitting to insurance.
Click the icon to see what field is populated on the CMS 1500 form. - If billing to insurance the following fields must be included to prevent claims from being rejected:
- First and last name
- Client ID Number
- State (2 characters only)
- Birth Date
Legal Sex
Note: If using insurance, select the sex on file with your insurance policy. Insurance companies require this information for billing.
- Mobile Phone must be included to use phone or text notifications.
- Email must be included to use email notifications and/or the client portal.
- Select the checkbox if the client's profile does not contain information about substance abuse. You will then be able to submit the client's information to your state's health information exchange.
Client Flags may be added to mark the Client EHR with important information related to their billing, scheduling or clinical status.