Your Agenda keeps your day on track and is your primary location for adding progress notes and creating invoices. This ensures that the client, appointment, place of service, and invoice are aligned and connected for your complete and compliant EHR.
- When you login into WebABA your agenda is the first page you see.
- Keeps you on track and is the primary location for adding progress notes and creating invoices.
Calendar Preferences and Availability
Set up your Calendar and Availability by clicking on your name in the top right corner.
- Every staff member should set their own preferences and availability. Calendar Availability is when appointments can be scheduled. Times you are unavailable will be greyed out.
- Preferences allows staff to customize how they see their calendar •
- Personalize your Agenda view with filters
- Therapists should filter to their specific name
- Billers and Administrative staff may want to see all staff
- Supervisory review users may want to see the staff they supervise as well as their own clients
- Client contact cards provide quick access to contact details and messaging and balance information
- Client Flags – NEW FEATURE: Create and edit client flags so that clients can be flagged with important information related to their billing, scheduling or clinical status
- Prominent text and phone reminder statuses
- Quickly see missing progress notes and invoices at a glance
- You also have the option to use Advanced Availability to specify the services you are available for scheduling at specific times and locations. Learn More.
Recommended Best Practices & Workflow
Clicking the “New Appointment” link from the Agenda will take you to the Calendar: Creating appointments begins in the Calendar. Once your practice information, location settings, place of service, service type and client details have been created, you will use the scheduling functions within the calendar to create client appointments.
Creating an appointment, progress notes, and invoice from the Agenda will ensure all information is linked and connected to your client’s complete EHR
- Creating an appointment via agenda
- Click the green plus calendar icon (this will take you to the calendar to schedule.)
- Add a progress note via agenda - When you create your Progress Note from the Appointment on the Agenda (linked to the Appointment), the appointment information will pull into the Progress Note.
- Navigate to appropriate day and client appointment
- Click “add progress note” button on right side
- Ability to select the Standard Form, Soap Note, or a previously created Dynamic Progress Note
- Create an invoice via the agenda - When the Invoice and Progress Note are linked to the same Appointment the DX will show on the Superbill properly.
- Navigate to appropriate date and appointment
- Click “Add Invoice” button on right side Create an Appointment:
Create an Appointment
Create an appointment from the Calendar or the Agenda including non-client events, recurring appointments and group appointments. Review the articles below for details of each feature:
- Schedule Client Appointment
- Create Non-Client Event
- Schedule Recurring Appointments
- Schedule Group Appointment
- Manage Appointments
Appointment Reminders
Automatic Appointment Reminders are an Organization wide setting. Enabling Reminders sets them for your entire Organization. Email reminders are included and are used in conjunction with the Client Portal. Information about other reminders are found in the articles listed: