Record and manage patient allergies from the Compose Rx tab, the Med Entry tab or the Problems tab. No matter which tab you are working in, once you navigate to the Allergies section, the steps are the same.
Jump to Section: [Record Allergies] [Edit Allergies] [Delete Allergies]
Record Allergies
- Locate the Allergies section and click the Add button. This can be done from the Compose Rx tab, the Med Entry tab or the Problems tab.
- Compose Rx tab
- Med Entry tab
- Problems tab
- Compose Rx tab
- Enter the allergy name in the Search Allergies field and click the Allergy Search button or press the Enter key.
NOTE: Click the Common Allergies button to select a common allergy from a list without having to search.
- Select the appropriate Allergy from the list of options.
- You have the option to document Criticality, Category, Reaction, Severity, and Onset Date or Year. This is not required to save the allergy.
NOTE: There may be an option to select a reaction from a codified drop-down list. However, most of the time, the Reaction field will be greyed out and you will be able to free text reaction information in the Reaction: Other field. Selecting certain reactions, such as seizures or anaphylaxis, will set Criticality to High Risk and Severity to Severe and lock those dropdown fields.
- Click the Save Allergy button.
- The allergy displays on the patient's Allergies list.
NOTE: Anything that was entered in the Reaction: Other field displays in the Reaction column on the patient allergies list.
Edit Allergies
- Click the Edit button for the allergy.
- Make appropriate edits and click the Save Allergy button.
NOTE: Allergy edits are recorded in the Allergy History section.
Delete Allergies
- Click the Edit drop-down and select Delete. The Delete Allergy window opens.
- Click the Yes, Delete button to delete the allergy.
- Click the Cancel button to cancel the action.
NOTE: Deleted allergies are listed in the Allergy History section.
- Click the Cancel button to cancel the action.