To streamline your e-Prescribe workflow, NewCrop has four different sig builder options: Open, Freeform, Insulin, and Vaccine. When you open the sig builder, it will usually default to the most appropriate option based on the type of medication. You can also use the drop-down menu to switch to a different kind of sig builder if you need to.
Jump to Section: [Sig Builder Selection] [Open Sig Builder] [Freeform Sig Builder] [Insulin Sig Builder] [Vaccine Sig Builder]
Sig Builder Selection
The type of sig builder is indicated underneath the medication form. To open a different sig builder, click in the sig builder field, then select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Open Sig Builder
Click to select dosing and dispense information from pre-built drop-down lists using the Open Sig Builder. Click the PRN checkbox to open additional PRN reasons. Click the Timing checkbox to open additional timing instructions. You also have the option to free-text any additional instructions or messages to the pharmacy.
NOTE: You can Customize the Sig Builder to make the choices on the drop-down lists more relevant to your practice.
Freeform Sig Builder
The Freeform Sig Builder has a Freeform Sig field where you can free text medication instructions, instead of making selections from pre-built lists. This is the preferred way to write titrations or complex sigs. Instructions in the Freeform Sig field will appear as written on the prescription label.
NOTE: The Freeform Sig field is limited to 1000 characters, but some pharmacies may only support up to 140 characters.
Insulin Sig Builder
The Insulin Sig Builder defaults when an insulin medication is selected. Use Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Nightly fields to build dosages for the respective times (e.g, Take 5 units with breakfast, 10 units with lunch, 15 units with dinner and 5 units nightly). You can manually type in a number, or make a selection from the buttons below each time. Use the PRN Blood Sugar checkbox to notify the patient to take the insulin when blood sugar is greater than the amount entered (e.g., Take as needed for blood sugar > 150).
Vaccine Sig Builder
The Vaccine Sig Builder defaults when a vaccine is selected. This sig builder includes fields to document Lot Number and Administration Information.