A client contact network can be created in different ways based on the nature of the network:
- all the contacts in the network are also clients. This allows all contacts to be added as existing contacts/clients and allows you to give them all full access to the Client Portal.
- you have a new client and one or more of the contacts are not clients. This may be a case in a family where the client is a minor and one parent is also a client and the other parent is not a client.
- none of the members of the client contact network are a client.
This article covers setting up and working with a NEW client contact network where the client is a minor and the parents/guardians of the minor are not clients. In this scenario, neither the client nor the client contacts are in the system.
Jump to: [Add the Client and Client Contacts] [Client Contact Use of the Client Portal] [Client Documents]
[Appointments] [Client Billing]
Add the Client (Child or Dependent) and Client Contacts (Parent or Guardian)
- Read the Client Contact Network Overview to understand how the Client Network is used and its features.
- Enable Client Contact Network.
Add the client (Child or Dependent) as a New Client.
NOTE: This scenario assumes the client is a minor and does not have email. It is not necessary to add an email address in the Client Details. Only the client first and last name are required.
It is not necessary to invite the Client to the Client Portal. - Add the Client Contact Network Contact (Parent or Guardian).
- An email is required for the client contact.
- Enable the Client Portal for the contact. If this is missed, the Client Contact may be added to the portal later.
- Add additional Client Contacts as needed.
When Client Contacts are added to the Client Contact Network and given Client Portal access, an email is sent inviting them to create a Client Portal account.
The client contact will not appear in the system in a search of clients as they are not clients themselves.
The client contact will appear as an existing contact when you Add Existing Contact/Client any other clients (i.e. a second or third sibling).
Client Contact Use of the Client Portal
After the client is added to WebABA and the client contact is added to Client Contact Network and given client portal access, the client contact will access the client documents, bills and appointments through their client portal account.
NOTE: Each time, the Client Contact will login to their Client Portal account and switch to the Client profile first.
Client Forms
Client intake and other forms can be sent to the client and completed by the Client Contact through the portal.
Therapist sends the Client forms:
- Access the Client through the Clients tab.
- Navigate to General Documents to Share New Forms.
The forms are sent to the Client's portal to be completed.
Client Contact Completes and Signs Forms
- Login to the Client Portal with their portal account.
- Switch to the Client profile.
- Access and complete intake forms.
Managing appointments for the client by the client contact is done in the same way as for any Client Portal client.
- Therapist manages appointments and can Confirm or Decline Client Self-Schedule Appointment Request.
- Client contact can access the Client Portal and review or self-schedule appointments for the Client.
Client Billing
Bills can can be managed and paid by the Client Contact through the Client's portal account.
- When client invoices are generated they are displayed in displayed in the client's portal account.
- Client Contact can make payments or print invoices from the Client's portal account.