Easily manage your travel appointments. You can make edits to existing travel appointments, update travel locations, and reschedule appointment dates & times from your calendar. The system will automatically update travel appointments when your changes do not affect travel times. If your changes do affect the travel times, the system will guide you to resolve the issue.
[Edit Single Travel Appointment] [Edit Recurring Travel Appointments]
[Deleted & Canceled Appointments] [Updated Appointment Variations]
Edit Single Travel Appointment
To help manage your schedule, you can make edits to the travel appointment mileage and start & end times.
- Click on the travel appointment occurrence or click the edit icon to open the pop-up window.
- Make edits to the Mileage field as needed.
- Make edits to appointment start & end times as needed.
NOTE: You cannot edit times outside of the time intervals between appointments. A warning message will open. If longer travel time is required, adjust the times in the client appointment.
- Click Save.
Edit Recurring Travel Appointments
- Click on one of the occurrences in the appointment series or click the edit icon to open the pop-up window.
NOTE: You have the option to edit the whole series or just one appointment in the series.
- A pop-up window opens with the message: Do you want to edit the whole set of repeated events?
- Select Edit Series - edits affect all occurrences in the series
- Select Edit Occurrence - edits affect a single occurrence in the series
- Select Cancel to close the window
- Make edits to the Mileage field as needed.
- Make edits to appointment start & end times as needed.
NOTE: You cannot edit times outside of the time intervals between appointments. A warning message will open. If longer travel time is required, adjust the times in the client appointment.
Click Save.
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Deleted & Canceled Appointments
Travel times automatically update when appointments are deleted or canceled unless the changes affect the drive time between appointments.
- Delete or cancel a client appointment.
- The Travel Appointment is removed from the calendar.
- The system searches for another appointment to replace the deleted or canceled appointment.
- If there is another appointment to replace the deleted / canceled appointment, a new travel appointment will automatically be created if the replacement appointment times do not affect the travel time between the appointment locations.
- If there is not enough travel time between the appointments, take the appropriate action when the pop-up window opens.
- A modal opens and displays a message: There is not enough time between appointments to complete your travel time. Auto Travel Appointments will not be created. Do you want to continue?
- Click Save to create the appointment. A travel appointment will not be created.
- Click Cancel to close the pop-up window. The appointment and the travel appointment are not created.
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Updated Appointment Variations
Single Appointment Rescheduled
- There is a travel appointment between the two scheduled appointments.
- One of the appointments is rescheduled.
- The system checks to see if the travel appointment is still valid after the appointment is rescheduled.
- The travel appointment is deleted if other appointments are scheduled in between the reshcheduled appointment and the travel appointment.
- A new travel appointment is created based on the new times of the rescheduled appointment.
Repeat Appointment Rescheduled
- There are travel appoiontments for some / all of the occurrences in an appointment series.
- Some / all of the repeating appointments series are rescheduled.
The travel appointments in the series are deleted and t he system checks the new occurrence times to see if they are eligible for new travel appointments and creates them accordingly.
Single Appointment Location Updated
- There is a travel appointment between the two scheduled appointments.
- The location for one of the appointments is updated.
- The system checks to see if the travel appointment is still valid.
- The travel appointment is deleted if the appointment locations are the same.
- A new travel appointment is created if the locations are still different and there is enough drive time between the locations.
Repeat Appointment Location Updated
- There are travel appointments for some / all of the occurrences in an appointment series.
Locations for some / all of the occurrences are updated.
- The system checks to see if the travel appointments are still valid.
- The travel appointments are deleted if the updated locations are the same.
- The system checks the updated locations to see if they are eligible for travel appointments and creates them accordingly.
A New Event is Created Between Two Appointments
- There is a travel appointment and a space of time between two appointments.
- A new appointment is created in that space of time.
- The existing travel appointment is deleted.
New travel appointments are created to accommodate the new appointment.
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